First: my apologies if I spammed the feed unnecessarily. I did not realize archived posts would show up all at once like that.
Instead of hogging the feed, I've decided to leave those posts where I wrote them, at // Instead, I'll start from here starting today.
I'm hoping eventually to pull all my little Internet musings into this one blog - though we'll see how well that goes. Links to the stuff I have elsewhere are all on the home page.
I chose because being able to publish to the Web, Gemini, and Gopher in one go was very appealing to me. I also like that CSS is an option, though I'm not sure yet if it's one I'll use. Definitely going to redirect a proper domain name here shortly.
I've messed about the Web for a couple months now and realized that I'd like everything to be in one place, and I want that place to be accessible from more than just the Web. Especially as I spend about half my online time on Gemini these days. So here I am.